Laser Hair Removal

Types of excessive hair 



  • Excess hair in any pattern, whether normal or abnormal
  • May be inherited, due to medications, malnutrition, tumors, or metabolic problems



  • Excess hair in women in a male pattern, such as the face, chest, or lower abdomen.
  • May be due to hormonal problems, familial tendency, or medications



Methods for hair removal


Physical methods

  • Shaving, plucking, waxing, or stringing
  • These are temporary and can be performed at home or by a cosmetician


Chemical methods

  • Depilatory creams
  • This is temporary and usually performed at home
  • Skin sensitivity to the chemicals may limit use


Prescription medical cream

  • Vaniqa (eflornithine)
  • Slows hair growth, but does not remove hair
  • Applied at home twice a day to reduce growth, allowing a longer interval between hair
  • removal treatments


Electrical methods

  • Electrolysis (inserting an electric needle into each hair follicle to heat it)
  • Performed by cosmeticians
  • Risk of scarring


Lasers and intense pulsed light (IPL)

  • Used for permanent hair reduction
  • Laser must be applied by a doctor
  • IPL can be used by cosmeticians

*** The information above is a partial and general information and cannot replace the needed specific medical examination and consultation